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Drama Ingredients are the visualizations of the sufferings in life; these are the main directives for the (RECO) Science Fiction- & Science Faction film-products of Casting International (CI).
Here under follows the specific drama-ingredients which we use for the entertaining parts in our story-tellings:
showing the suffering of 'sentient' beings in movies, with the aim to relieve the suffering* into awareness.
Drama is expressed* as entertainment* by various forms of storytelling.
Drama is strategically the most important ingredient within Science Fiction & Science Faction RECO's.
Exciting storytellings that should touch the emotions of the viewer,
a chain of events and movements of subjects during film performances;
giving (in general: fast) emotions, like: thrilling of excitement or horror, shown in an exotic* environment in which the actions happen.
location of the sets; these are not conventionally European, but unorthodox dreamlike with challenges, e.g. jungle, fairytale castles, etc.
Joy moments giving a smile-emotion (of a manifestation of -the great- happiness which is without sceptisme or gloating. In CI-filmproducts it is referred to as 'wink humor'.
Suffering* {as contrast or duality (yin/yang)} showed as on a spiritual paths:
For example:
Realistic* corresponding images* based on actual cases of history, that touches the spectator emotionally, by ‘feeling’ the inhumanities that other ''less fortunates'' undergo.
Romantic love between 2 or more sentient beings in a cosy setting where the love is pré-erotica.
The science about the working of the Human* mind in the relationship with 'consciousness' and 'the fate of coincidence’*.
It concerns here (i.e. Oriental) wisdom* that educate non-moralistic* information*
provided via Audio-Visual*, about practicing concepts such as (unlimited): happiness*, knowledge*,
on going life-path, peace* concentration*, karma*, compassion*, etc.
according to the 'old ages' (i.e. Hinduism, Sufi, Christianity, Taoism and Buddhism*).
These topics concerning Human* nature interests by the question
'How do I see my ideal life and what steps will I do to achieve this'.
"The law of cause and effects" = all actions, motivations, thoughts, emotions, and (verbal) speech goes in a kind of circle: their effects become automatically result of cause for new effects.
Karma comes through acts, thoughts-action-speech. Karma is unavoidable. There are various Karma's:
those of you (personally), those of the society, the culture, etc. All karma's are interdepending* meaning: independent and dependent to at the same time. See also destiny*, and causality*.
Down to Earth appearance, as reality manifestations; with both feet on the ground.
For the audience pragmatic-visualizations during film-performances are logic and valid by the laws of nature; they make the filmvisualizations 'naturally'.
Happenings as situation sketches in real life, that perform themselves as presently unique, but are still again applied in other forms elsewhere in the World.
In addition to the use of a medium*, there are a lot Casting International-movies and TV-programs about oracles.
In Tibetan culture a being takes more or less for a time-moment the controls (the consciousness*) over of another being* to communicate.
There are many forms of oracles. The famous Dutch soccerplayer and trainer Johan Cruijff is considered as an oracle too.
I Tjing is Chinese, meaning: ‘’The Book of changes’’. Actuality by I Tjing scenes visualize
co-incidence following the oracle, that shows a pattern of co-incidence. The oracle is created/ founded for the first time in 2000 – 500 B.C. in China.
The I Ching Oracle is a phenomenon to which you can ask a question on which an (opinion) answer follows. In Chinese philosophy, the I Ching is considered as a living being* without feeling.
Very special story-telling concept (script) and visualizations (scenario) come in on the moment that 'actuality' and 'I Tjing' are combined: actuality-problems focussed by the view gives originality.
‘Thinking-through thoughts', or 'food for thoughts' by 1-2 pitch in a frame.
In RECO filo's always start and end of the story-telling. RECO's are small Featurefilms, falling in the category human nature interests;
or -in other words-: spirituality-films with education about the way how the Human mind functions by showing the suffering of others in the past, to learn from it how not to make the same mistakes.
(CI format) coming off the format 'Immaterial Rubbernecking Commercial', a series of
short play movies, ending with a ´´thinking-through*´´ (= a briefly imagined, tight* and simple* thinking, conceptually summarized in a box).
For example:
Right and highest on insight and life experience-based science of happiness*,
which knowledge is updated to act to, or by showing how something can be different to help positively. (Oriental vision).