
© Casting International ®

Introduction Art-direction

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Avalokiteshvara (Sanskrit; Chenrezig in Tibetan) is the Buddha of compassion*.
To help to overcome the suffering and preventing the causes of suffering, this Buddha has multiple heads to (fore)see all sufferings and multiple arms to help all who suffer.
Recognition of the kind of suffering is important in order to be able to help in the right way.

The kind of suffering is recognizable by the state of mind type of the person who suffers.
In this view, all is mind, your mind.
There are 7 types of state of mind (6 according to doctrine and 1 is added by Casting International for story-telling visualizations).

The mind is able to mix multiple types constantly by jump from one type to another type given the degree of identification (attachment) with the outside World-conditions and the mindscape* of the creature who suffers.
So to recognize the form of suffering, it depends on the energy of the being.

To make the recognition easier for the audience, the state of mind of the person that suffers as performed in the film-images, all the 7 spiritual state of mindshave their own colour that express their energy.
The influence of colours on the film-image-product is with impact.
Shot- / scene- / block-transitions in which colors are too hard, can be made smoother during the post-production transitions.

Because there is an emphasis on color, the audience face a new phenomenon that needs time in the empirical development, and time is needed for the public to recognize by their subconscious mind the applied identification methodology.

The colors are during the shootings expressed in clothing, props, and form of locations.
All is filmed with filters where necessary, additional followed by color operations in the editing phase.

Clear seeing and many arms to help

The above prose is part 1 (introduction) about the Art-direction.
Part 2 is titled Avalokiteshvara.
Part 3 is titled Use of colours.

This is a short summary.
For more information, such as how this view / philosophy is realized optimally in the film product, please contact Casting International by using the button below

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