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A mission is a summary statement giving the reason of existence about what a product-service do.
The Mission of 'Rubbernecking Immaterial Commercials' is:
Entertaining educational advertisement that the audience likes to watch because of knowledge sharing about ‘being’.
'Rubbernecking Immaterial Commercials (IC´s) is an original-new TV commercials format.
During short entertainment video clips of 1-2 minutes, ads of material goods or services are presented together with consciousness-concepts.
IC’s are advertising story-movies with a recognizable image mask for the inclusive codes (multiple advertisers) and a length duration of ± 1 minute, sometimes a bit longer.
The format is specifically designed to increase viewing figures in the TV commercial breaks, during daily broadcasts in advertising blocks of TV-stations and movie-theatres.
The format concerns advertising entertainment with additional education on how the Human mind works.
There are 7 (+) different series, serials and soap (as sub-formats) for TV, cinema, and mobile telephony.
The public will enjoy it.
Advertisers too !
A series of short commercial-lenght movies, ending with a ‘Thinking-through*’ (= a tight* thinking 1 or 2-liner, briefly imagined and as a simple* concept summarized in a box).
For example:
It's nice to be important;
but it's more important to be nice.
‘Understanding’ is the beginning of love.
The bearing role is that of ‘Philomeen Filo’, a young woman, age the beginning of 20, who always travel by public transport, and thus the society in all its facets meets: economically, socially, culturally, artistically, anthropologically, spiritually and/or philosophically.
Thousands of written scripts are ready for film in assembly-line productions.
Japanese / Chinese / Tibetan Zen-Buddhistic concept, consisting of -and including the wisdom-knowledges of all other universal life-styles and philosophies- short in acting-play stories, visualizing a paradox*, and all ending with a question that can be answered, only by the view of the immeasurable emptiness without concepts* nor images, but just to know to be; and beyond.
KOAN is a sub-series of Rubbernecking Immaterial Commercials*: a new form of (more or less) one minute long advertising dreamlike* film, ending with 'deep-thinking' about one paradoxes per film, with knowledge-sharing about ‘being’.
Koans are about -by a way of saying- the basic nature of the mind, namely emptiness.
Viewing of such a paradox creates an 'awareness wake up', insights arises, whereby the illusions created by the mind can be seen through.
For example:
What was your original face
before your parents were born?
The bearing role is that of Our Fisherman, a male in his 40, who is always to find in the most beautiful spots: nature by water with nearby forests, meadows, idyllic, looks like with lots of swimming fish.
About 100 scripts are ready for film in assembly-line productions.
A comic series part of the format 'Commercials Rubbernecking Commercials' targeting the group ‘the family', all ages, Dutch-, German-, English-, French-, Spanish- languages synchronized as basics.
Proverbs and sayings education.
Humpie stands for precious inner values, the rest dump-tie.
2 series each with 125 episodes are ready for film in assembly-line productions.
An adventurous intercontinental travel series covered by the ‘Immaterial Rubbernecking Commercials’-format aiming to 'The family': 20-ers, 40-ers, and seniors; Dutch-, German-, English-, Spanish- French- languages synchronized as basics.
(Inter)national lifestyle aphorism education.
European backpackers and pensionado's visit as tourists all countries of the World and are especially looking for forms of happiness to be able to pass this on.
1 series with 100 episodes is ready for film in assembly-line productions.
Script examples:
Humpie Dump-tie,
and Worldly wisdom
This is a short summary.
For more information, for example about how these projects are going to be realized, please contact Casting International by using the button below