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The view of Avalokiteshvara

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Avalokiteshvara (Sanskrit; Chenrezig in Tibetan) is the Buddha of compassion*.
To help to overcome the suffering this buddha has multiple heads to see all sufferings and multiple arms help neutralizing all kinds of sufferings.
Recognition of the kind of suffering is important in order to be able to help in the right way.

The kind of suffering is recognizable by the type of his/her state of mind of who suffers.
There are 7 spiritually types of state of mind (6 according to doctrine and 1 is added by Casting International for story-telling visualizations).
The rates depend on the energy of the being.

The Human mind is able to mix multiple types and is jumping constantly from one type to the other state of mind given the degree of identification* (attachment) with the outside World-conditions in relation with the mindscape* of the person.

Visualisation of compassion

The 7 types of state of mind are::

The spiritual state of mind of the God type:

Positive energy:
creativity and arts
Negative energy:
arrogance and pride
Other features:
obtains happiness by helping others; star-tendencies.
visualizations: free surfing beach boys/girls without sorrows, heavenly music
in sun-drenched Palm Island with clear blue sea

The spiritual state of mind of the Halfgods type:

Positive energy:
Negative energy:
jalousie and envy
Other features:
obtains happiness by not damaging
strong inclination to enter into competition, don’t like to lose,
an adventurer, hero, tough, toughened by exercise

The spiritual state of mind of the Human Being type:

Positive energy:
Negative energy:
Other features:
obtains happiness by helping others
having insatiable desires, like consuming, grabbing, obtaining

The spiritual state of mind of the Animal type:

Positive energy:
limitless variation
Negative energy:
attachment (to habits)
Other features:
obtains happiness by taking responsibility
Live in habit-circles of: sleeping-eating-drinking-go to work-home-toilet-TV-sex-sleeping-etc,
consuming only, no ideals, live for themselves or for their group,
follow only their instincts, not paying attention to culture and development

The spiritual state of mind of the Hungry ghost type:

Positive energy:
lust for learning
Negative energy:
stupidity ignorance
Other features:
get happy by the right food, and the right beverage to be consumed in the right environment,
has never been enough, no positive emotions, lost him/herself, compulsive neurotic,
excessive alcohol and drug use, foggy desert emptiness, living in a shadow reality, curiosity

The spiritual state of mind of the Creature-of-hell type:

Positive energy:
art of nature
Negative energy:
emotional aggression
Other features:
get happiness by recognition of their own hatred and frustrations, pain, sorrow;
merciless, environment is extremely cold and/or hot, dirty, mucus, violating Human Rights, frustration blockades

The spiritual state of mind of the Childtype:

Positive energy:
cannot 'worrying'
Negative energy:
the thought train does not freeze,
as well as cannot let go the craving for ecstasy pleasure
Other features:
neutralization by thinking about own doings. Thoughtless, non-concentrated, easily distracted, many friends and enemies that come and go, scattered attention focus making them quickly forgetting, not quick to please, short-lived obsessive behavior, quickly get jealous when things are going better, look down on you when you have hard times (obtain happiness through receiving love).

In the movie mirror philosophy-cinematography there is per role per type of predominant state of mind, a fixed color scheme in clothing, decor, lighting, etc. per block.

The above prose is part 2 (Avalokiteshvara) about the Art-direction.
Part 1 is titled Introduction.
Part 3 is titled Use of colours.

This is a short summary.
For more information, such as how this view/philosophy is realized optimally in the film product, or how to neutralize the suffering that is recognized,
please contact Casting International by using the button below

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