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Within the view of and thinking by one-taste agreements / the 'same' / the similarities are central.
They are emphasized.
The concept of 'one-taste’ can be summed up in the term ‘Human Nature Interest’;
This is what every Human Being binds by nature.
Above are mentioned the focal points of the ‘one-taste' messages in each film program of Casting International.
By the mind of nature a Human only just sees first via duality, that is, one cannot exist without the other.
Duality emphasize two or more, with differences, various opinions, and distinctions.
The bigger duality is, the more differences there are.
Duality in the extreme sense of the word is war.
In duality there is a source of suffering; it ensures that there is no equanimity.
This means that duality is linked to aggression, greed, and prejudice.
In the film- and TV programs of Casting International both (and ‘one-taste' and ‘duality’) are applied.
The 'one-taste'-vision is by that combination holistic (meaning that the properties of a system cannot be explained only by the sum of its components).
This makes each film story of Casting International at the same time, a closed- and an open system.
The 'one-taste'-vision as described above makes that it applies innovations in all TV programs and feature films of Casting international.
Within the professional Audio-Visual production practice (and for the public) the concept of 'one-taste' is relatively unknown.
The concept is however essential in the communication of transmitter (messenger) that the movie program-product makes, and the receiver {the viewer / audience / the customer(s)} that consume the product.
Because within the media, application of the amount of viewing figures is criteria of successful product, or not.
To maximize viewing figures for each film product, the aspiration needs to be addressed to the 'owned' 'I/me/myself' / the 'subjectivity' of each target group or individual consumer.
Each customer has a "self".
The focus on 'I / me / myself’ that everyone in principle has, is the basis of Casting International in the EDUCATIONAL parts of the film-product, that tells about how ''yourself'' works.
('Identification' is doing this in the ENTERTAINMENT part.)
The main message of one-taste view can be summed up as: 'what you don't want that others do to you, don’t do that to others too'.
Basically self-knowledge gives the freedom to make choices and to lead a life of your own.
In addition to a 'congenital ignorance', each individual received talents by birth, which -if you may- should be developed to become in the purpose of being 'your-self'.
This is the basis of everyone's happiness.
By being aware of your own talents, and to direct this by your awareness, we come to the key question; What is 'consciousness'? and 'What is an un- and subconscious mind'?
These elements together make the structure of everyone's mind.
If the (Human) mind would be seen as a system, non-functioning "bolts" or "screws" (which are different for everyone and frustrate the happiness), are possibly to indicate, so the total function can be improved:
A perception of a viewer is A) partly interpersonal, and B) partly subjective:
In an interpersonal perception there is a relationship between the projected film act and the viewer his/her own experienced life.
This happens within Casting International TV-productions by showing the viewer a deductive reasoning.
Deduction is, that the viewer gets an overall picture presented, that he/she recognizes immediately from his/her own experienced past.
In other words: the relationship between film-act and experienced past runs from general to particular.
This relationship is expressed as rubbernecking:
The viewer realizes that the form he/she sees is new in what is already known and recognized.
So the film act should appeal to such an extent, that it calls for more interest so that the viewer won’t zap away.
Because the television program (or film) builds up this interpersonal relationship, the multiplier for the part of the viewer is the activation to learn more by curiosity at the time that this recognition is experiencing.
At the subjective perception part there is never any question of a mere copy of reality, but rather a filmproduct that shows the interaction of an inner condition that changes and is creative at the same time.
During watching a TV-program of Casting International there is within the program the intention to create these changes in such a way, that the personal/subjective opinion (content) of the viewer becomes relatively free, but that the creation itself is caused by a bounded form of relative objectivity (the view of for example one-taste).
The subjectivity of the viewer is streamlined by the relative objectivity of a view.
With regards to the subjective perception of the viewer, there can be said in general that by the eye/camera registrate a reality which is relatively objective (because everyone can see it in the same perspective),
this is named interpersonal perception.
The relative property is:
A one-taste presentation (and/or interview) is and relatively objective and interpersonal
This is a short summary.
For more information, such as how this view / philosophy is realized optimally in the film product, please contact Casting International by using the button below