
© Casting International ®

Mediaplan Turkey

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This synopsis is about a promotion campaign of the country Turkey, and has 3 ingredients:

  • The essences of the format ‘So speak!...’;
  • The essences of the Mediaplan Turkey;
  • Timetable of Mediaplan Turkey;

A) The essences of the format ‘So speak!...’

The title ‘So speak!... means ‘transforming ignorance by telling your story’.
In the Mediaplan Turkey these stories will be told by female refugees.

The Audio-Visual-format ‘So speak!...’ generate mediaplans for Nations striving to international development-cooperation.
The format contains a kind of template / standard for a Mediaplan (COUNTRY) with 3 main elements:

  1. (Preparation:) minimal 1, maximal 3 documentaries, as reconnaissance- & research-operations in the specific country
    in order to find (film-shooting)logistics, locations, HumanRights stories, actors, crewmembers, NGO’s, relation networks, security matters, etc..

    Such documentaries are produced by the Point of View(s) of 1 or more United Nations-organisations and show an adventurous expedition in unknown territory, in which –unlimited- culture and opportunities for trade (for example investments or tourism ) will be investigated.
    The intention is to promote global commercial discourse of ad. II en III.
    Out of these documentaries follows 1 or more promotion videoclips.
    Because of the Voice-Over structure in the Audio component, each documentary can be fast prepared for TV-broadcasting in other languages.

  2. (Resource:) a series of eight parts talentscouting TV-show for storytellers.
    This new-media-TV-show will be published in 1st instance on special interactive operation channel 1;
    meaning: only the investors, our advisors, our subscribers, and the makers choose the main roles for ad. III.
    Later, all parts of the TV-talent show can be fast prepared for TV-broadcasting in other languages, because of the Voice-Over structure in the Audio component.

  3. (Aim:) minimal 1, maximal 10 serials; each serial contains 4 innovative featurefilms.
    Each chosen bearing role (named ‘’Talking Head’’) tells a story before the camera to a live audience,
    by a well prepared script with an universal problem central, about an abduction* story (really happened scenes).

Peace soldier

Sjarief Baba

In these movies the Visual part is with actors, decors, Special Effects, stunts, filmmusic, locationsounds, etc..
Our films are a kind of reconstructions with feature quality because they are mixed with:

  1. fiction (giving an higher entertainment value), and
  2. education about Universal Rights (making the genre ‘edutainment’).

In our films there are less dialogues of actors in the Visual part; all is mainly told by monologues of the (mostly invisible) Talking Head (chosen refugees / storytellers).

Human Rights education is including the Rights of Women, Children, Refugees, and the Conventions of Geneva. Human Rights are in the past declared as universal valid, and not seen as political.
All Universal items have innovative point of views that cultivate debate.

All feature films are showed partly as ‘living cartoon’, this gives more attraction for a large Worldwide public.
Inscriptplacements of hightech inventions and creative commercial expressions are parts of the innovations.
Because of the Voice-Over structure in the Audio component, each featurefilm can be fast prepared for all kinds of broadcastings in other languages.
Every mediaplan has the objective to score Worldwide many as possible viewing figures to urn financial profits.

B) The essences of the Mediaplan Turkey;

The Mediaplan Turkey has as motivation the message of ‘equanimity’: live free of greed, aggression, and prejudice, remaining in the awareness of the equivalence of all Human Beings.
All film shootings follow the path of the tactical Martial Arts, tradition of the Tibetan mirror (do not harm).

The feature films of Mediaplan Turkey are based on the Arabic fairy tales of 1000-and-one night(mare)s.
(these tales are told in the night by a woman to a calif, who chop off heads if he is bored, but she survive 1001 nights because her stories always ends with a cliffhanger).
In our feature films, the calif is replaced by tourists (…), with stories happened in modern times, and
the female storytellers / Talking Heads are refugees from Iraq and Syria.
Only the Middle-East entourage stays the same.

In the documentary, we follow from the start an organization that train female refugees as professional edutainment theatre performers, who tell about
their experienced nightmares and their hope for compassion, love and practical implementation of Universal Rights in daily life.

Their live audience, their clients, are Turkish civilians and tourists (compare it with visiting a museum or other cultural event during your holiday).
The extra values this organization brings in are entertainment, education and therapy for the people.

In the documentary we also investigate all the story-ingredients of 1000-and-one nights:

  • For example: concepts as ‘calif’ and ‘Caliphate’ (incl. Ottoman Empire), ‘Sultan’, (special orders of The Most Honourable) Sjarriefs (Soyyits), Emirs; harems; the war in Iraq and Syria by organized gangs of professional assassins / thuggee; Sharief Baba & the 40 robbers; the Djinn spirit in the wonder lamp; compassion - love - equanimity following the Quran; refugee camps; Good Purpose organisations; and the example-function of the growing Turkish economy for the Middle-East.

In the vision of international development-cooperation, trade brings decidedly peace, and education about Human Rights in this cooperation is a basic requirement.

In the feature films there is a focus on Rights for Women, as well for the message of art. 19 Universal Human Rights: freedom of opinion(s) expression (for the audience and the performers).
These expressions will give no visualisations of the Prophet, but will stimulate the debate for living together peacefully
within the noble principle of ‘what you don't want that happens to you, don’t do that to others too’, as an important guideline for equanimity.

C) Timetable of mediaplan Turkey

We have a list of potential advertisers to approach.

The 1st expedition (for the production of the documentary) is planned in beginning 2018.
This expedition takes 1 – 2 months.

Production of the TV-show (2nd expedition; 3 months) can take place in the beginning of the first half of 2018.

We already started the scriptwriting’s of the several featurefilms.
One complete pre-production for one feature film (script 2 months, followed by scenario + screenplay + (production- & financial-) breakdowns also 2 months, together: 4 months) costs €. 25.000.

Start of the film-productions (by running belt) begins in the third expedition (3 months): at the end of 2018.

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Spectacular featurefilm-script

This is a summary.
For more information, for example about what and when and how documentaries / talent shows, and featurefilms are to realize, please contact Casting International by using the button below.

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The production of this serie starts in the beginning 2017.