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Maybe you became already aware of the dreamlike vision...
Whole life is like a dream.
On the moment you dream, you think its real,
Then, suddenly (part of) the nightmare comes...
You wake up!
Shocked sitting right up in your bed, you realise:
Oh, happily, it was just a dream...
it was not real!
Like in 'real' life:
our meetings were nice, a warm and lovely period
The impressions are slowly fading away...
But then
BOEM!!, back in the cold...
Oh, happily, it is all just a dream...
That makes it more manageable...
Like the Buddha said in his first noble truth:
Life and suffering are complicated confused in eachother;
Reason is ignorance in general (2nd noble truth)
Separating both of each other, create wisdom (3rd noble truth)
follow the instructions of the 8 right things to do (4th noble truth).
Drive your dragon and see where it brings you to.
Maybe to Amsterdam, maybe even not.
Loose the idea of our deadline, that is only ego.
The dragon brings you where your presence is necessary,
sometimes physically, but always mentally.
It sounds good that you will come,
but mentally you are here already.
We will fight against injustice;
and we need the dragons and their fire.
But first they need to be tamed.
Drive your dragon and see where it brings you to.
The dream-like vision is a way of filming that intentionally (by the film-director) creates a kind of distance for the viewer within the film content, whereby the viewer becomes in his/her mind 'for a moment' different, equally less attached with the movie-story by a kind of realization -named blizz-, because his/her consciousness is shortly illuminated by spiritual education (about the phenomenon 'I / me / myself' ).
If you dream and you are in your dream, you will experience this as really existing (e.g.: ''falling'' during your sleep: when you waken-up startled, you realize immediate that the experienced dream was not ''real'', while before it was -otherwise you were not waken-up startled-).
Essential difference between ''real-and-not-real’' is 'being inside', or 'the look onto it'.
The key difference is in your consciousness*: is your consciousness more or less ungovernable in the pictures?, or do you watch with more or less full attention the phenomena that manifest in or before you?
If you are in it with your consciousness, it is named 'spiritual attachment';
Western scientificly, being with your consciousness in it is named: 'identification'*.
This key principle works both for the inner World* (ie: in your emotions, or in your mind, or in your feelings; or that you are in one of your sensory perceptions);
and it also works in the outside World* (the things that happen around you, the people, the situations, in general said: the phenomena* that appears before you) where you with consciousness look at it, or where you live unconscious in it.
The dreamlike vision learning methodology and film-technique reminds you that you should not forget that you quickly identifies yourselve with your own emotions and thoughts of your inner World, or with the outside world, making losing your self and your conscience...
The education is about 'live your life, or be lived: you can choose'.
Inner world: you can look at emotions, or be in it.
You can look at feelings, or be in it.
You can look at your life-energies, or be in it.
You can look at thoughts, or be in it.
You can look at your suffering (e.g. pain), or be in it.
''Be in it'' can be a (conscious) choice; for a Human Being excellent, because it means that you are not lived by others;
It is your choice, your freedom, what shows Human dignity, since you are using your Human Right(s).
But the situation where you lose yourself, by being one outside of yourself, because you live without awareness, is often very close. Examples: get furious/outrage, anxiety disorders, obsessions, shock, trauma, stupidities, etc.
In these situations you don’t controle your own being anymore.
Unconscious in things is named samsara*: purpose and means are reversed.
This causes a 'lose yourself', what generate sorry and/or personal violence and/or damage.
In the film projects by Casting International -where cultivation of inner values is central- the learnings / teachings are about this individual control, and thus taking responsibility.
Outside world: here too counts the principle that you can be in, or can look at.
There is not one bad reason to deliberately chose to be in things., becoming entertained is one (see ad C).
But if you're in things out of ignorance / unthinking habit / stupidity / desire / prejudices / selfishness / confusion / frustration, just to name a few, you have a social problem.
You react only on circumstances outside of yourself, you will then be lived by other forces or powers.
This causes a 'lose yourself', which gives a lot of social violence and damage.
Examples: senseless violence, aggression, crime, accidents, discrimination, etc.
The best Human is given compared to other creatures on this planet is the ability to choose in freedom in your own life, having your own opinion to develop and to be yourself.
But that's something you have to learn.
90% of the people don’t realize this key-principle, therefore there is so much unnecessary (meaningless) violence, so many accidents, and lovelessness in the World.
In the film projects created by Casting International in which cultivation of inner values is central in relationship with the outside and inner World, learning to take universal and personal responsibility is the education.
In the entertainment part, the customer is King.
The viewer / user / consumer / the highly celebrated audience wants to be entertained, they want a good story, acted in natural ways.
In case of entertainment the viewer wants to be 'in it' and get thrilled.
For example, a cinema-visit where you experience a projected film:
Intentionally you become ''hypnotized'' what brings you to another world, a world for awhile, an otherwise-than-your-own-life-dream, and: you like (...) to pay for that.
In this part of our films, that dream is not with a blizz enriched.
The films of Casting International give you both: that's why our product is named 'edutainment'.
This is a summary.
For more information, such as how this view / philosophy is realized optimally in the film product, please contact Casting International by using the button below.