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Casting International makes the particular special genre 'edutainment'.
Edutainment is education and entertainment at the same time
We have given this genre the name of 'Rubbernecking' narratives.
Rubbernecking is a flexible head-movement of the spectator when seeing our film:
All film stories of Casting International with the Rubber-necking story-telling and the problem-solving filmshooting applied, transform certain negative inner images of consumers into positivity.
This is to achieve by using a view.
The transformation does not happen by means of propaganda or an imposed brain-washing, but because it is the consumers’ own contemplation that leads to a personal conviction.
By this method, our movies build, maintain, and enforce imago’s where advertisers and sponsors express themselves in a positive way by the combination of commercial profiling and ethics.
An example: 'Rubbernecking Immaterial Commercials':
This is an original-new TV-commercial format.
During short entertainment movies, advertisements of material goods are presented in tandem with a concept of awareness.
Made with budget: the audience will like it.
Advisors too!
This is a short summary.
For more information, such as how this view/philosophy is realized optimally in the film product, please contact Casting International by using the button below