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The 'marketing' within the Holding So speak!... Ltd (in formation) is organized in 6 categories:
On this page, category 6 will be explained: MARKET RESEARCHES:
The function of our market surveys is to improve quality.
This quality improvement is aimed at the following types of customers: audience/target groups.
This kind of 'the consumer customers’ is the viewer, the user, the honoured audience.
This is a (large) indirect-financial market (only subscribers in this market pay a small fee), the general public watch and use our TV-program-products free of charge.
All the projects of the Holding Company So speak!... are designed to reach as many people as possible, that means that we strive for as many viewing figures for our film products (and services).
Viewing figures are the criterion for determining the success of a film project.
Nowadays there are large competitive battlegrounds going on for viewing rates and user numbers between the conventional (inter)national TV-broadcasters/channels among themselves, and
between the TV-media vs. other digital media forms; for example: games, Virtual Reality, different types of digital TV, video on demand, and mobile telephony-TV, etc..
There is also a battle between them and (digital) satellite-TV going on, in which all sorts of outsiders (such as cable and also commercials-skipping-video apps) play a role.
In the next few years there come again at least 20 till 50 new TV-channels (figures NOB).
Podcasting* will multiply that number by ten times or more.
The art of the Holding in this jungle of competitive fighters bosses is the consumer efficiently draw attention to the possibilities of the particular edutainment* encyclopaedia* and
the teachings itself with the interactivity of RTPK channels RECO-TV and IR TV.
In these market developments it turned out to be very difficult to find financings.
Should you now get firstly advertisers?, or broadcast guarantees of television stations?, or investors?
The one requires first guarantees of the other.
Submitted by our market research who of the 2 was first: chicken or egg problem became clear.
Solving this chicken or egg problem, it were not the chicken nor the egg.
That what preceded the chicken and the egg, was the dinosaur.
In other words: not the tactical or technical markets have financially to boost the Holding, but the strategic market: investors, starting with business investors/participants.
In this line of thought, all the operating- & investment budgets are based for the first year, and from the second/third year for the Holding Company So speak! ... Ltd.
Other market developments take place at 12,000 NGO’s and charity organizations (figures of them myself).
A big industry, that help very technically fellow Man / other sentient beings.
The holding company So speak! ... is with the tactical problemshooting* and the online TV station RTPK able to work with and for them complementary.
By our high quality market research we can help N.G.O.’s and charities organizations to achieve their goals even better.
It is quality that makes high volumes of viewing figures and/or clicks, here is what it's all about: products and services are made to reach as many people as possible; because consumers/users enjoy our services of sharing knowledge on an entertaining way.
The Holding Company / social enterprise has an active quality policy in the field of imaging* / visualizations* / cinematography* (Art of film adaptation).
This has as the central question: "How can the viewer identify themselves at the highest level with the film-image* events*?".
The reason for this focus is that if viewers join a high identification as in one-in-the-flow, that feels like a pleasant entertaining feeling good to learn time (...), the more often they will consume our products and services.
The quality of the original innovative edutainment storytelling will make the success.
For this we use the film mirror philosophy*, which (briefly described) means that 'visually* a natural (mirror) image* is displayed,
that sucks-in the mind* of the viewer, more closer by Audio* elements in the storytelling (entertainment*) using the principle that ‘’one picture says more than a thousand words’’,
also in cases of the messages (so all these together are with education* and advertising* as one-in-the-storytelling).
Our active element is in market researches and effectiveness checks.
In a nutshell: the quality of the product is 'providing high identifications* for the entertainment* and education* about Human Nature Interests*.
The interpretations of the market surveys are based by ‘identifications of the viewer with the film product’.
Market research done by the tactical marketer of CISU together with a communication-psychologist are led by the film-director Casting International.
Together they interpretate (to the goal) the measured viewing figures and the quality perception to make recommendations for the production team(s).
This will make the rating for experienced appreciations the basis for high viewing ratings.
We measure the emotional and contemplative effects the viewer/user experiences.
But also the usability is measured with market researches.
For the user of the knowledge-encyclopaedias on the RTPK channels, we apply approximately the same criteria as for the rating for experienced appreciations.
The results of the market researches are also used in promotions campaigns.
The criteria for advertisements are their reach and their effectiveness.
To measure is to know, but not all you can count, counts;
and not all you count can be count.
This applies in particular for the criterion advertising range.
That's why our qualitative effects are of great importance in the market researches.
The results will boost our intended social extra values from the formats I...R and RECO.
To measure the viewing quality ratings, there is a separate policy document created with the title: ‘Identifications during market surveys’.
The interpretations of the measured data and the responses are also recommendations for the PR department
End-interpretations are the responsibility of the film-director Casting International.
We do effectiveness measurement and experience appreciations investigations at the public.
These investigations are done in cooperation with faculties of the different universities; together with interns who do marketing studies on middle- and higher professional level, in cooperation with the training institutes where these interns come from.
The researches have generally 3 elements:
The connections between the 3 are located in asking for correlates.
The research methods* are inductive*, deductive*, and abductive*.
In particular, through use of abductive methods there are a lot of different formats*, concepts*, and projects developed further.
All film projects and TV-shows are new and original* within the Audio-Visual markets.
There is done a lot of field research over the past 27 years.
Viewership measurements (of quantity) can be outsourced to independent authorities in the field of view ratings-measurements during distributions (e.g. the number of paying filmtheatre vistors is the basis of sold tickets) except for the 5 interactive internet channels of RTPK where these market researches are to be done in the Oproom*.
In addition, the tactical marketer of CISU samples in the field of quality guarding, especially that the message of the story will reach our target groups:
Because the sales/account managers (each one is standard member of a production team) often offer the product and/or service by a (photo-) story board, they can also take samples, whereby candidates for the sample comes from our large casting files, making investigations of CISU requires to be not expensive matters.
In the past we have carried out many studies.
These researches were for all kinds of markets & public (see relevant sub-menus in the yellow bar).
Partly on basis of all these research-results the following websites were created:
Beneath you will find an example of one of our market researches.
Join us! and experience by yourself what we to do to perfect viewing experience.
This survey is in the English language.
It takes up to 30 minutes.
Your help by giving advice, will be used to increase the viewing experience and the transformation of ignorance into awareness by edutainment films.
Thank you for your participation in this survey!
Above is a summary.
For more information, for example about ‘how we can work together to increase knowledge on viewers’ experiences with innovative film concepts about universal issues by crowdsourchings', please contact Casting International by using the button below.