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Trainees in our work-/learning-course are named ‘organic-vertical inflows’ and have the rank of cadette (v) or cadet (m).
Intent of the organization is the creation of militarily organized TV-units, who have no fire weapons but are equipped with the Audio-Visual weapon for
UN organisations and are able to defend themselves with non-lethal weapons.
This personnel operate in uniform.
These organic* employees are recruited, selected, educated and trained.
They all start their career as trainee (50-50 m/v) and can move up in rank, depending of their abilities, reviews, experiences, and years of service (this is called vertical inflow ↑ ).
This kind of personnel are the backbone of the organization.
They work in video production teams or staff teams.
They are trained according to a standard education program, which has its origin in syllabi for conscripts of the Dutch-army during the cold war, and it is innovative adapted for training in the realization of many film missions for United Nations-organizations.
The teams are compiled in terms of multidisciplinary fields of study, and work self-sufficient.
Personnel in the organic crews and staffs have firstly
a (up to ½-year) internal work-/learning course before they
can be deployed for professional, paid, videofilm production orders ('Filmthis ... commands').
There is within the company a lot of experiences to educate and train personnel.
Recruitment sources for finding cadet(te)s are:
Anyone who is interested to follow this work-/learning-course, can send a cover letter by pressing on the button below 'CONTACT form', please add your CV and motivation letter too.
There are 3 application-rounds, each is about ¾ hour conversations, in which the essences of the traineeship, security, benefits, working conditions, job requirements , etc will be discussed before trainee contracts are signed or not.
Recruitment search for people with 'sincere fortitude'; eg. warriors and no worriers, and
in terms of the selection criteria we want to recognize the 3 stars of Amsterdam {*heroic, *determined, *compassionate}, and integrity* (do what you say and say what you do) in the applicant personality.
During the work-/training-course there is a continuing (integrated) instruction in the field of cultivation of motivation.
The work-/training-course takes maximum a half year.
There are 2 types of training-courses for trainees: 1 for crew-, and 1 for staff members.
The purpose of the training-syllabi is 'creation of 'own' homegrown motivated employees by standardized internal-oriented logistics trainings.
Essence is to work by strength (energy from within to outside), not by forcing powers (reaction energy from outside to inside).
The trainings are in groups of 10 (+) trainees, up to 16 per shift.
The theoretical part takes place in the Secretariat (in a school building) and start by making individual Talent Development Plans, Function Profile Sketches, and R&D for small projects.
Throughout the internship, theoretical instructions are taught by many lessons about various doctrines* (policy notes* and standardizations*), for example:
realizing commands,
the functioning of the Human mind
working conditions,
organizational issues, point of views, etc., etc.
The work practice part of the training starts with classroom lessons, and it displaces during the learning-/work-course slowly but surely the theory part until it just work.
The practice has put great emphasis on team-building with training of skills & drills, different tactics, and/or film-operation types.
Practicing 1-weekly outdoor trainings, are always by ’Filmthis!...- commands’, preceded by making a Plan of Action, and range from interviews on the street, making stock shots, till short reconstruction feature film productions on basis of "own" formats, including a development-stage plan from idea phase to distributions and marketing through sales ad slots.
Part of the training (to film) is also a group visit to fairs, symposia, workshops, events, etc.
We film on HD-format with professional Canon equipment (incl. 2 x EOS C100, Mark II cameras).
We edit on Sony Vegas Pro 13.
At the end of the internship anyone with at least a 6 will receive a certificate.
Only cadets with an 8, 9, or 10 as final grade (scale 0-10) are offered a flex freelance employment contract.
A team-officer has the function of project coordinator or a pre-production producer (e.g. a reserve officer, or a film production-expert cq knowledge domain expert) for video productions with a length of time ranging from 3 days up to max. 3 months.
Because of the irregularity of freelance contracts there is a non-binding nature to say ‘’yes’’ when personnel is phoned and offered a flexible ‘Filmthis!...’ or expedition contract, whereby each crew-/staff-member for team-compositions may say "No" (because of e.g. private conditions), so there are many people extra trained at various levels.
State of affairs (after 9 years of developing the training syllabi): 120 potential freelancers CREW members and 75 potential freelancers STAFF members.
This is a summary.
If you want to apply for an internship at Casting International press the button below; fill in the required details, add your CV and motivation letter and send the whole.
You will always get answer.