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Casting International ® is the Business- and Artist-name of Eric Gigengack (1956);
Having 32 years of film production experiences -made more than 1200 films-;
Studied Laws, specialized in the philosophy of Laws, Buddhism, Confucius, Taoïsme, Eastern Philosophies, African voodoo; had Catholic youth roots;
A veteran, Dutch infantry officer (captain) who worked twice for the UN in the Middle-East;
Last 25 years student of the Buddha of Compassion;
Last 9 years trained 900 students (Middle- + Higher education schools + Universities)
incl. 175 trainees (m/f) with an 8 or higher as end-result (on scale 1-10).
His specialized knowledge is about Tactical Martial Arts.
The Arts basis is situated in the motivation to live without making damage, even when operating in the most aggressive environments.
The Martial part is because of the use of the main high-tech non-violence weapon: the video-camera.
The education in the films is not about how you should be;
teachings are visualized advises:
Do you think these advises are useful: use them!;
if not: don’t use them, because being yourself is purpose of life.
The Teachings are about knowledge-sharing in the domains of film making, peace, non-violence, and Human Rights by explanation of divers views (ways of ‘how to look at it’), following a proven curriculum.
Point of view is for example one taste; and/or how to practice non-violence depending of persons and situations.
Universal one-taste teaching-items (similarity of all religions) are: altruism, mercy, compassion, tolerance, selflessness, love, joy, equanimity; not politics and not religion ideologies.
All teachings work with simple definitions (for example: love = the wish and activity that all feeling entities may enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness).
Advantages: divers angles, more distance, wider picture, reducing emotions, anti-fragmentation.
Example: the anti-dote for terrorism is neutralizing blind faith in logical thinking: research, investigate by yourself.
Be aware that terror incidents are not constantly, but peace in mind (Nirvana) is.
Eric Gigengack
(AV+ICT projects developer / film-director).