Extra attention is for the topic 'imago*', because this concerns the intrinsic added value of the services that CI(SU) offers its customers.
Imago means the ‘inner image*’; what people have of a product/service/mark/name.
It is the imago that Casting International want to radiate to outside:
a media production/distribution company that tells stories in terms of purpose* edutainment*; and in terms of resources by Audio-Visual and ICT.
Each product* is instantly recognizable to her imago masks used for placements of advertisements and educational messages.
CI(SU)-projects are rare originals*, and by the innovation* of views clear and precious like a diamond.
The appeal and the brilliance of a diamond can be found back in CI-products (imago and stories are of an high bright quality, and the messages are noble)
Goal* is to let as many people as possible consuming the film/TV product- (= scoring lots of viewing figures), receiving high ratings of the public for the film-diamonds by the entertainment level and the interaction.
The more people watching, the more advertisers and sponsors* are interested to join.
This makes the film/TV product very commercial.
The imago of ‘like a diamond’ is a unique selling point:
a diamond is reliable, stable, small but nice, thorough, hard in terms of appointments, desirable jewel stories who linger in the memory by the spiritual impact.
The marketers/account managers also create an reputation of themselves.
This imago can be described as: 'service is a verb'.
And here too, the position of our account managers* has that of the diamond principle: appointments are diamond-hard: a deal is a deal = symbol of reliability of their organization and its employees.
The main colours used in the external communication is black/white.
It are the people who make the color.
In the design is added a soft color of purple in the background.
Purple is the mix of red (social) en blue (capital).
This is a summary.
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