We initiate our ‘own’ video-formats and –projects,
by innovative Find&Search-engines which contain the video clips.
All our projects with you as sponsor, are published on the internet.
Visitors of our websites do not pay for the education we are offering.
The Find&Search-engines share knowledge in a customer friendly way.
As content-provider we are first-movers:
unique and exclusive.
In general, our formats are focused on Human Being itself.
Each separate project is focused on special target groups, e.g. men, women, children, elderly, etc.
If you advertise in our video-clips and Find&Search-engines, it is:
- good for your costumers,
- good for your business
good for the society, and
- good for the World.
Example of an International…Researches serie (3)
International DISARMAMENT Researches: promo (English)
Phone Casting International to see what kind of extra values we give for your target groups and for you (see button ‘contact’).