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The Audio-Visual products by Casting International are traded through numerous markets;
our associated business model has 4 ingredients:
This page expands on part 4: clients giving Filmthis!...-orders.
Basically our clients are the United Nations organizations.
We receive commands from them after bids of us reacting on their question/needs, and after our bid is shown as the best in comparison with competing bids.
In addition to these UN commands. we also carry out assignments of I.O.'s, N.G.O.’s and charitable organizations.
For this category of clients we also provide film shootings containing knowledge of their own conferences, workshops, symposia, etc.
Often, these kinds of shootings create multiple video clips, to put in ´a video clips Search&Find-engine´;
This machine can be a stand-alone on the internet, but can also be mounted in the website of the client.
We pick up our most important United nations-Organisations tasks of a special website, with the name: the Global Market of the United Nations.
On this site all needs of UN agencies are Worldwide published through potential assignments.
We have accreditations to do bids by submitting a plan.
There are 2 elements on which a plan is judged:
Anno 2017: there is being filmed on professional high quality equipments (HD format, 4 cameras, including 2 Canon Mark II EOS C100), including wireless sound equipment and separate light kits and a steadycam.
The editing is on Sony Vegas PRO 13.
There is also an autocue/teleprompter available.
The United Nations organizations have a large demand in equally large variety.
That variety ranges from mine-detection to pharmaceutical products, vehicles, aircraft, communications equipment, food, water, management, translators, boats, heli’s, specialists, etc. etc..
Our task is that of an (internet TV-) medium: a medium to bring demand and supply together.
That is why it is important to work together with other companies and organizations from other sectors, e.g. -unlimited-: ICT, translation agencies, safety organizations, trading companies, knowledge centres, and/or metal/plastic/chemistry etc. operational production companies.
Above is a summary.
For more information, such as how a collaboration processes to do a bid at an United Nations Organization question to realize that project together with
the Holding So speak!.. Ltd., please contact Casting International by using the button below.